You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.9. Sales - Reprint Invoice > Invoice Reprint - Menu Options > Invoice Reprint - Edit - Edit Line Numbers (v2.8)
Invoice Reprint - Edit - Edit Line Numbers (v2.8)

This option allows you to edit the invoice line numbers rather than viewing the invoice line details. You can only do this if you are authorised to edit non-financial data and that option is toggled on (refer to "Invoice Reprint - Edit - Edit Non Financial Data").

  1. Display the Invoice Reprint screen.

Refer to "Invoice Reprint - Menu Options".



Technical Tip

This menu option toggles EDIT LINE NUMBERS on and off. A tick appears next to the menu option when EDIT LINE NUMBERS is toggled on. In that case, choosing this menu option removes the tick and toggles EDIT LINE NUMBERS off.

  1. Double click on an item or select an item and press Enter.

Micronet displays the Enter Line Number Information screen.

  1. Enter the new line number in the Line Number field then select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the line on the Invoice Reprint screen showing the new line number.